We aim to compete with the sound and aesthetics of old Italian master instruments. Our concert instruments meet the highest standards, with feedback from our customers consistently demonstrating their potential to expand a musician’s acoustic possibilities. Through close collaboration with well-known and exacting musicians, and consideration of the most up-to-date scientific findings, we are constantly refining our process and striving to improve even further, whilst at the same time ensuring that we continue to offer our instruments for a reasonable price.
Aside from our standard models, based on and inspired by the old Italian masters, we also make accurate copies of specific, well-known instruments. We usually choose instruments admired by great musicians, and which impress us with their tone and appearance. Examples include the Montagnana cello, played by Heinrich Schiff; the 1713 "Sancy" Stradivari, played by Ivry Gitlis; and the "Wilmotte" Bergonzi, played by Paul Roczek. We offer free adjustments for all our instruments during the first year, followed by long-term maintenance at a discounted price.